They Despised the Pleasant Land

A devotion on 77:25-47 Many claim that Christianity is for the unthinking. I think that our devotions this week have proved just the opposite. Repeatedly, scripture has stressed the need to constantly engage multiple brain processes such as alertness, focus, contemplation, memory, consideration, analysis, judgement, etc. We thus understand God’s mandate to us to love … Read more

II. The Shepherd and WiFi – A Meditation on Psalm 23 (v. 1b)

I Shall Not Want –  Of Eunice and Celine. (To lack nothing. To have everything one needs.) I have a million-dollar wardrobe. It is a ridiculous collection of almost everything that I’ve laid my eyes on earth that’s taken my breath away. It’s not tons and tons. But it’s quite a bit (eyes averted…). It’s almost … Read more