A devotional on Psalm 125
1 Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.
n psalms 89, 101, and 102 we studied the word ethan which means rock-solid and unshakable. Please revisit those wonderful devotionals. Immovable is your identity believer. Do you behave like it or are you easily agitated and cowered? If the maker of the universe has declared you ethan, who dare calls you a coward? Woe to him who stirs you, who causes you to faint or shake.
2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore.
We have consistently seen this theme throughout the Psalms. God surrounds us constantly. We are beset with his love and protection; we are mantled by his heavenly host; we are to be surrounded by believers. It’s a celestial embrace; a divine hug. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth (Ps. 124: 8.) The Hebrew word for help – ezer – means to enfold or surround. This is not a conditional surrounding. It doesn’t come and go. It is rock solid always. You are never alone. Never abandoned. No matter how weak you feel, he is before and behind and beside you always. He is even in you and will never leave you nor forsake you.
“You have hedged me behind and before and laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it
(Psalm 139:5, NKJV).
3 For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous,
lest the righteous stretch out their hands to do wrong.
What a fantastic promise. Your land is secure from the wicked. Their rule shall not dominate you lest you find a reason and a way to do wrong. You will distinguish yourself as righteous and many will scratch their heads because Jehovah will confirm it. Use this as a powerful blessing over yourself and fellow believers, especially your children.
4 Do good, O Lord, to those who are good, and to those who are upright in their hearts!
5 But those who turn aside to their crooked ways the Lord will lead away with evildoers! Peace be upon Israel!
“To the merciful you show yourself merciful;
toh the blameless man you show yourself blameless;
to the pure you show yourself pure;
but to the crooked you make yourself cunning.”
(Psalm 18:25, 26)