Such pretty stretch marks!
have you ever said that?
how does one appreciate them?
gingerly, once one gets past the revolting discovery of their presence.
Take a rose, for instance.
how plain she’d be without those streaks.
how seductively she sways those hips.
how she teases with her intoxicating aroma.
close your eyes and
see her delicate petals prettified by the venation that gives her life.
such pretty stretch marks…
Hannah – Have you seen the ads for Writers in the Grove’s Authors Conference at the FG Senio/Community Center on Jan 27? We’d love to have you join us if you can. Presenters include: Jessica Morrell, Paulann Petersen, Chip MacGregor, Holly Lorinz, Kristin Thiel Al the info is at
Hannah – Have you seen the ads for Writers in the Grove’s Authors Conference at the FG Senio/Community Center on Jan 27? We’d love to have you join us if you can. Presenters include: Jessica Morrell, Paulann Petersen, Chip MacGregor, Holly Lorinz, Kristin Thiel Al the info is at