You know how refreshing a salad is on a hot day?
Loaded with all manner of flavors and textures and a party on the palate, that’s how refreshing! Sure, a fabulous steak beside a mountain of mashed potatoes hits the spot like nothing else when one is famished, but sometimes, I say the simpler the richer.
My friend Jo is friend like that. She is layer upon delicious layer of fresh and crispy goodness that’s just the right blend of sweet and savory, crunchy and complex.
I don’t get to talk to her much. We’ll shoot each other occasional texts and build each other up in the faith. I smile whenever I think of her silliness. She is easy to bare the soul to and I feel safe in the refuge of her love. One of my favorite things about her is how low-maintenance she is despite being brilliant beyond belief. You know how ‘they’ are always coming up with another vegetable that’s a superfood ‘they’ just discovered amazing benefits in? Jo is like that. I’m always discovering phenomenal things about her that she laughs off humbly. She unassumingly boosts endorphin levels even when her praises are unsung.
Early this morning, I answered my phone when I saw her darling smile on it. We both laughed hard for a while before saying halo. I don’t know why she was laughing. Nor why I was laughing. Then she said, “You won’t believe where I am: Poolside at the Hilton in Anaheim.”
“Whaaat?” I screamed for joy, incredulous.
“It gets better, ” she added, chuckling quietly like she does, “I’m eating cheesecake.”
I would have fallen over, laughing with glee, if I wasn’t sitting in the car.
“I’m a doctor’s wife now, you know,”she quipped.
That was so outlandish coming from this dear stay-at-home mum of three young children. That’s the steak and potatoes side I don’t often see. Oh yea, and cheesecake.
We chatted for a long time and got caught up, a luxury I rarely enjoy with friends over the phone. By the end of our conversation, I was exhilarated, swimming in endorphins. Pool-side at the Hilton with my vegetal chum.
Some folks choke on resentment or self pity as they hear of another’s good fortune. You howl with laughter and unhindered glee. That joy and freedom can not be faked; it sings your faith and praises to God! You inspire, my friend.
Oh my, those are very lofty words!! I thank you kindly. It evokes within me the same feeling I’d have if invited to sit by the Pope when I was in a silly mood. Way conflicted!