Valentine's Gala - Registration is closed

God wants your home to be a slice of heaven!

Welcome to ENRAPTURED our first formal Valentine's event for couples and singles (mature teens welcome).

Join us for a fabulous dinner, interactive coaching, and entertainment while you uproot chaos, conflict, and constant crises from your home. Plant and nurture God's vision for your home: covenant connection, compassion, and mission.

Date: February 8th, 2025, 3-7 pm

Venue: Forest Grove, Senior & Community Center

Dress code: Let's get fancy! (Classy casual okay)

Your generous donations will be appreciated at the function

Make your home a place you, others, and even Holy Spirit wants to be!

We are pleased to welcome Portland area's JG the Comedian as our entertainment for the evening!


'Dominion Over Porn' - Women's Online Challenge

Women's Spring Retreat

God's 5-point Creation Mandate is for YOU to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it, and take dominion now (Genesis 1:28.) You are lavishly empowered with everything you need to Rule & Reign, regardless of your station in life. Using Dr. Hannah's new, signature Rule & Reign Identity Model, come partner with God to advance His Kingdom and step into

  • your purpose
  • your power and authority
  • your possessions

"God declares the Word and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng." Ps. 68:11. Join your tribe - The Mighty Throng - and turn the tide of spiritual tyranny in your life and that of others. Storm 2025 and ride the wave of a N.E.W. BEGINNING that propels you smack into the center of walking in God's will and pleasing Him. Refresh yourself with much needed R&R in God's amazing creation at a gorgeous beach front home on the Oregon coast.

DATES: April 11-13, 2025

VENUE: Rockaway Beach, Oregon

COST: $500.00 (covers room, food, fantastic fellowship with new and old friends, and 4 Spirit-led impartation sessions.)

You don't want to miss this one. Spots are limited and filling fast. Register today!

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YOUR Testimony G.R.O.W.S. God's Kingdom


God commands us to share our testimony. Many Christians are anemic in their delivery of their testimony. Your testimony, simple or grand, is a heavenly gift that is a billboard for the goodness and greatness of God. 

In this revolutionary new book, Dr. Hannah shares your powerful new blueprint of 5 simple yet crucial points to help you craft and deliver a highly impactful testimony whether you are speaking to one person or a group. Be the first to discover how.

Pre-purchase your copy now for delivery in March, 2025!

Regular Price =  $15.99                Sale price = $12.99

Free shipping within the United States.

This interactive topic is excellent for a keynote talk, for team building, conferences, or retreats. Book Dr. Hannah today!

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